Maintaining the expertise for developing and communicating practical Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions for horticulture (EMT/HDC/HTA Fellowship)


Part of the EMT/HDC/HTA Fellowship Programme.

The fellowships are funded by the East Malling Trust (EMT), the Horticultural Development Company (HDC), and the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA).    The funds provide essential underpinning funding to UK-based applied horticultural researchers working in fields of study crucial to the future efficiency and competitiveness of horticultural crops grown in Britain.  Each fellowship focuses on training the next generation of applied researcher whilst delivering outputs to industry through a flexible programme of work.  The work is flexible so that it can respond to the skills of the individuals undergoing training and the needs of the industry.  Each fellowship is managed by a Steering Group, on behalf of the Horticultural Fellowship Governance Committee.


Project Summary:

Invertebrate pests have a significant impact on the quality and yield of high value horticultural crops.  UK growers face increasing pressures to reduce the use of pesticides, due to fewer available pesticides, regulatory and retail pressures and to the increased incidence of pesticide resistance.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) includes cultural and biological control methods together with minimal use of pesticides.  The continued development of IPM is therefore crucial to horticulture for sustainable pest management.  The development of effective and practical IPM programmes requires a combination of specialist skills and resources to address the technical and commercial challenges.

ADAS is one of the few UK research contractors able to both deliver applied IPM research and communicate new technology to the industry.  However, like other contractors, ADAS has an ageing profile of applied entomologists; over 100 years of experience will be lost during the next few years.

This Fellowship aims to ensure that horticultural businesses benefit from the maintenance of capability for delivering applied research and knowledge transfer to meet the demands for continuing development of practical and cost-effective Integrated Pest Management strategies.

Project code:
CP 089
01 April 2011 - 31 March 2016
AHDB Horticulture
Project leader:


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