Contents tagged with hardy nursery stock

2 July 2021

Learn when the main species of slug and snail are active, when they breed, how to monitor for their presence and what the potential sources of infestation can be.

27 July 2021

Recognise slug and snail damage symptoms on plants and which hardy nursery stock species are commonly affected.

27 July 2021

Find out how to identify the main troublesome slug and snail species.

27 July 2021

Follow the guidance in these pages to achieve effective management of slugs and snails in the production of container-grown hardy nursery stock.

23 May 2022

This factsheet covers the identification, biology and control of whitefly, both native and quarantine species, that are important pests of protected ornamental crops in the UK.

13 June 2022

This factsheet aims to help growers of ornamental crops improve the efficacy of plant protection applications via handheld sprayers by providing a range of practical and best practice suggestions.

15 August 2022

This factsheet summarises a project aimed to improve quality in field grown bush roses by examining cultural practices of tipping back and topping and by looking at the effect of plant growth regulators (PGR) on basal breaking.

15 February 2023

Learn how to identify and manage bacterial diseases in protected ornamentals and bedding

2 November 2021

Learn how to identify and manage bacterial diseases in protected ornamentals and bedding

23 May 2022

Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) remains one of the most damaging diseases of container-grown ornamentals grown in unheated greenhouses. This factsheet provides details of the disease and guidelines for achieving effective control.

20 February 2023

This factsheet examines the use of chemical disinfectants in protected ornamental production to prevent the spread of plant diseases. It provides information on available products, their efficacy and important considerations affecting product choice. It also summarises legislation affecting their use and disposal.

17 February 2022

This factsheet provides guidance on how to minimise losses in nursery stock crops due to downy mildew by the use of clean stock plants, good nursery hygiene, avoiding favourable environmental conditions for disease development and by appropriate fungicide treatment.
