Leafy Salads - A programme educating KS2 children about salad leaves and their role in a healthy diet


Summary: Not many people eat 5 a day.  Th aim is to raise the profile of leafy salads to KS2 children, their parents and teachers through homework resources, assembly packs and video and online information  - with the hope that these will lead to increased consumption of salad leaves for healthier diets.

Project code:
FV 442
01 January 2016 - 31 December 2017
AHDB Horticulture
AHDB sector cost:
Project leader:


About this project

Aims and Objective:

1) To inform and educate consumers (adults and children), consumer and foodservice media about the origins of leafy salads, where and how they are produced and how products reach them. 

2) To attract lapsed and new shoppers to leafy salads, across all age groups, and especially amongst younger shoppers below 45 years old.

3) To differentiate salad leaves from other salad ingredients and make them a considered purchase instead of being an un-thinking, disengaged purchase.

4) To create consumer and foodservice interest in the leafy salads category.

5) To create collateral for the campaign (including images and video of serving suggestions, grower stories and farming methods) and to reuse existing campaign material to create web, print and social content that communicates key messages.

6) Education objectives - Material development – Working with growers and KS2 stage teachers, to develop Healthy Eating homework material and Healthy Eating Assembly Pack for a launch project to 25 schools.

7) Healthy Eating homework - To contact the UK’s 22,000 schools teaching KS2 pupils in England and Wales in each of the 2 campaign years and offer them free educational homework material on leafy salads and healthy eating.

8) Healthy Eating Assembly pack - To offer healthy eating and salad food chain teaching support material to PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) contacts at 22,000 schools teaching KS2 pupils in England and Wales.

9) Communication – To share the following with growers:

a) Educational materials developed for the program

b) The results of the launch project

c) Quarterly updates (unless otherwise advised) on the progress of the Homework and Assembly pack program

d) Final report on the program

10) Measurement – To use market sales data (Kantar Worldpanel or Nielsen) to show leafy salads sales progress (to be supplied by the BLSA contributors).

