Beef & Lamb

7 July 2020

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and Matt Blyth, independent livestock advisor, for a live discussion that will look at this impact of weaning ewes this year for profit next year.

7 July 2020

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb along with our Strategic Farmers Adrian Coombe from Cornwall and Chris Elkington from Lincolnshire as we review their Spring progress.

7 July 2020

Across the whole season, growth rates of around 1 kg are achievable at grass, depending on stock type, pasture quality and length of grazing season. Good grazing management can reduce cost of production through lower feed costs, improved growth rates and a longer grazing season and lead to higher stocking rates.

30 July 2021

In this month’s update, analyst Hannah Clarke takes you through a quick round-up of the latest developments in the UK beef market, including prices, production and trade.

30 July 2021

AHDB red meat analyst Duncan Wyatt gives an update on the latest trends for the UK lamb market.

17 June 2020

Plan and deliver effective conversations with your family and team

15 June 2020

ategicfarm Bertie Newman updates on DLWG improvement. Find out how he's outwintered on different crops and achieved a higher weight gain this year plus challenges of drought
