Silverside Mini Joint (extra lean)

Code: Silverside B015

Important Note

For this product, the silverside must be matured for a minimum of 14 days.


All fat, gristle and connective tissue is removed from the silverside. The remainder is cut into logs before being cut into mini joints of approximately 500 g. The diameter of the joint is approximately 60–70 mm.

Silverside B015
Silverside B015
Meat Cut Spec Step 1


Remove all gristle and fat from…

Meat Cut Spec Step 2


…both parts of the silverside.

Meat Cut Spec Step 3


Follow the silver gristle and remove the silverside “side muscle”. 

Meat Cut Spec Step 4


Remove the remaining gristle between the main silverside and the silverside side muscle.

Meat Cut Spec Step 5


Remove the tapered end of the silverside where the muscle grain is coarse.

Meat Cut Spec Step 6


Cut the remaining silverside horizontally into 2 logs, then cut each log vertically so the silverside is now cut into 4 equal size logs.

Meat Cut Spec Step 7


Cut the logs into individual portions of required weight.

Meat Cut Spec Step 8


The silverside side muscle tends to be slightly tougher than the main muscle and should only be used for slow cookingmethods like sous vide or braising.

Meat Cut Spec Step 9


Square the ends and cut the muscle into 2 mini joints. 

Meat Cut Spec Step 10


Silverside mini joint (extra lean) with or…

Meat Cut Spec Step 11


…without roasting bands.
