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Middle of pork. Make a mark on the first loin rib 20 cm from the tip of the loin eye muscle and remove the belly in a straight line from the loin.
Prepared from the rib section of the loin with each steak containing a long French trimmed rib.
Middle of pork. Make a mark on the first loin rib 20 cm from the tip of the loin eye muscle and remove the belly in a straight line from the loin.
Remove the lumbar section from the loin as illustrated.
The ribs are sawn through at a point where they join the vertebrae.
The vertebrae and the feather bones are then removed.
Make a mark 25 mm from the tip of the eye muscle and …
… trim meat to expose the ribs. Cut in between the ribs to create Tomahawk Steaks.
Tomahawk Steak.