Beef & Lamb

28 June 2021

Farm vet Robert Smith demonstrates the key principles you need to adhere to when administering anthelmintic wormers to livestock.

28 June 2021

Learn more about liver fluke and how to fight it in this video.

10 June 2021

Find out more about fodder beet for sheep.

10 June 2021

Dr Jim Gibbs - fodder beet grazing specialist from New Zealand and Marc Jones – Independent grazing and forage consultant, discuss how to transition sheep over to fodder beet.

25 May 2021

As the second phase of RamCompare comes to a close, we reflect on the culmination of data collection and research over the past five years to identify what we can learn from the results.

25 May 2021

An overview of the Ruminant Health & Welfare survey results, priorities and how they’re going to be tackled.

28 April 2021

Strategic Farm: Heifers – to breed or to buy?

19 April 2021

Our 2017 Strategic Farmer, Johnny Haimes, from Devon, joins Leah Shanks for an open and honest discussion on why he made the decision to disperse his suckler herd and begin rearing and finishing dairy-bred calves extensively.

13 April 2021

Three months after the end of the transition period, this webinar looks at the state of play of the EU-UK trade relationship, with a particular focus on how the EU-UK trade deal has impacted red meat traders on both sides of the Channel and Ireland

3 February 2021

AHDB, HCC and QMS and Dr Alex Corbishley, vet and senior lecturer in farm animal practice at University of Edinburgh, hosted a webinar on improving new-born survival on beef and sheep farms.

3 February 2021

AHDB, HCC and QMS hosted a webinar with Dr Alex Corbishley, on improving neonatal survival on beef and sheep farms.

11 December 2020

This webinar focuses on environmental and financial aspects to consider when using herbal leys.
