Tomahawk Steak

Code: Fore Rib B018


These steaks are produced from the fore rib with the cap removed. The rib bone should be exposed 200 mm from the eye muscle.

Fore Rib B018
Fore Rib B018
Meat Cut Spec Step 1


Tomahawk steaks are produced from a fore rib of beef. The length of the rib bones to be 200mm from the eye muscle. The chine, featherbones and paddywack (yellow gristle) are removed.

Meat Cut Spec Step 2


The cap muscle is removed by following the natural seam. 50mm of the tail muscle is left on but the remainder of the rib is French trimmed.  Cut in between the rib to create Tomahawk Steaks.

Meat Cut Spec Step 3


Tomahawk Steaks.
