Contents tagged with control

8 September 2022

From controlling aphids using natural methods to chemical control, our information can help you to use an integrated pest management (IPM) approach.

16 June 2021

Find out about the biology and life cycle of different types of aphids on strawberry.

10 May 2021

Read about integrated pest management strategies and resistance management for pests of carrot and Apiaceous crops.

10 May 2021

Discover ways of monitoring mirid bug populations and reducing infestations in crops.

10 May 2021

Learn about the life cycle of celery fly and find out what damage it can cause to crops.

10 May 2021

Find out about turnip moth caterpillars (cutworm), a pest insect that infests carrot and Apiaceous crops.

21 May 2021

Find out about the three types of aphid to look out for in carrot crops: willow-carrot aphid, parsnip aphid and peach-potato aphid.

10 May 2021

There are several methods you can use to reduce the impact of carrot fly infestations on crops.

10 May 2021

Learn about monitoring and forecasting carrot fly to get on top of crop infestations before it’s too late.

29 April 2021

The strawberry aphid, Chaetosiphon fragaefolii, can be a serious pest on strawberries, especially those grown in the elevated temperatures under polytunnels

10 February 2021

Find out how to prevent Brown Cap Mushroom Virus, get recommendations on monitoring crops and learn about managing the disease.

17 November 2020

Effective and consistent management of swede midge depends on an integrated pest management (IPM) approach.
