GrowSave; Energy & Resource Efficiency Knowledge Transfer for the PC Sector


This project will continue and develop the work of the current GrowSave project (PE/PO 011) which delivers energy communications and knowledge transfer to HDC members. The work will ensure that growers continue to get up-to-date impartial information about energy saving techniques and technologies and how they can be successfully used in their businesses. 
The project will use a variety of delivery mechanisms including the dedicated GrowSave website, printed material (including newsletters, update factsheets and HDC News articles) and grower meetings, workshops & study tours. 
The work will continue to primarily centre on the needs of both ornamental and edible protected crop (PC) production. However, it is recognised that some of the areas covered are also of significant value to other HDC crop sectors such as soft fruit.
Benefits to industry
The project will benefit all growers in the PC sector by helping them to reduce input costs and thereby secure their long term viability. The specific benefits will include.
• Improved energy efficiency – by having ready access to the most up to date and reliable information, growers will be able to implement energy saving technologies and techniques safe in the knowledge that energy savings can be achieved with minimal risk.
• Lower energy costs - practical implementation of the advice and information given means that growers will reduce their energy consumption below current levels and therefore make cost savings.
• Less dependence on traditional fossil fuels – the information given to growers will allow them to both use fossil fuels more effectively and economically introduce renewable energy. This combination of actions will reduce the current level of dependence on fossil fuels.
• Improved environmental performance – reductions in the use of fossil fuels will lead to reduced emissions of one the major greenhouse gases, CO2. This will therefore improve the environmental performance of the horticultural industry of the UK.
The key methods used will be;
• Information updates via the GrowSave website, email and (if and when appropriate) Social Media
• Grower meetings, workshops and training events
• Energy performance & cost benchmarks
• Interpretations of R&D and Technology developments through technical publications, conference presentations and meetings
Project code:
PE/PO 011A
01 August 2014 - 31 July 2019
AHDB Horticulture
AHDB sector cost:
Project leader:


About this project

Project aim: Provide growers of protected crops (both edible and ornamental) with a comprehensive source of impartial information on energy & resource saving and sustainability.
Project objective(s):
To provide
• Easy access to the most up to date information on energy saving techniques for protected crop production
• Benchmarking data for energy use & weather conditions that will allow growers to set themselves realistic improvement targets
• Impartial information on energy developments from R&D and commercial developments both in the UK and other countries
• Case study examples of energy efficiency / sustainability best practice in the PC sector
• Where possible, to extend the scope of GrowSave to other resource inputs (e.g. water use efficiency)

Related resources

GrowSave - Horticulture
