Microbials: Keeping fresh produce free of pathogens

Information on how to keep fruit and vegetables free from pathogens that cause human illness. 

Managing risks

Webinar - Managing risks in vegetable and fruit production and information on changes to chlorate and perchlorate maximum residue levels (MRLS). 

Includes two presentations: 

  • Managing risks in fresh produce production -Jim Monaghan, Director, Fresh Produce Research Centre, Harper Adams University
  • Chlorate and Perchlorate maximum residue levels update - Ana Allende, Senior Researcher, CEBAS, Spain


Webinar - Disinfecting irrigation water for fresh produce

Includes two presentations: 

  • Chlorine dioxide dosing of irrigation water impacts on the chlorate load in outdoor spinach - Ana Allende, Senior Researcher, CEBAS Spain
  • Irrigating with electrolysed water impacts on ‘disinfection by-products’ accumulation in glasshouse-grown baby leaf lettuce - Mabel Gil Muñoz, CEBAS Spain

Chlorate testing

Webinar: The challenges of testing for chlorate levels and why the Food & Biocides Industry Group are advocating for chlorate to be regulated under ‘Contaminants’ rather than ‘Plant Protection Product (PPP)’ legislation

Includes three presentations

  • Issues with chlorate testing for fresh produce - Mabel Gil Muñoz, CEBAS-CSIC, Spain
  • Results of an AHDB study on chlorate in tomato testing - Grace Choto, AHDB Horticulture Knowledge Exchange Manager
  • Should chlorate be regulated under PPP or Contaminants Legislation? An FBIG position - Kaarin Goodburn MBE, Director Chilled Food Association and Chair of the UK Food & Biocides Industry Group

Download the handout from the Microbials Workshop, Febrary 2020
